Easter Basket


Create the perfect custom Easter basket with just a few clicks! Set your budget, add to cart, and FILL OUT THIS FORM to personalize the basket for your special someone.

Let us know their likes, dislikes, and any special notes you want us to include. Is there something you want us to avoid? Don't forget to include that too!

As always, we are happy to send you a picture for approval before delivery. Easter is March 31, 2024 this year. Basket orders will be open until March 12 and after that we will not be accepting anymore orders. 

Pick Up will be available on March 19, during normal business hours. We will offer shipping but you will be responsible for exact shipping. This will be invoiced separate after the basket is created and weighed. 

As always, thanks for trusting us! 

(Note: Items pictured are not the items that will be included. Items will be chosen based on your notes.)

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